Kevin Beavers – Shivasloft

Kevin is an Experienced Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT500®) and brings years of passionate exploration of yoga to his teaching. A dedicated practitioner since 1998, he has been a student of Iyengar, Ashtanga, and most extensively Anusara Yoga and has recently been a student of internationally renowned teacher Noah Mazé. He devotedly leads Workshops, Teacher Tuneups and 200-hour Yoga Teacher Trainings as part of the Shivasloft Yoga School.


Kevin delights in sharing insights from his personal practice and experience and in helping beginning to advanced students alike to explore the depth of yoga and to discover the fine details and big transformations. His background as a professional musician shapes his view of yoga. As in music, yoga offers a discipline filled with opportunities to explore creative action and artistry that brings one intensely and directly into the heart of the experience of being alive. There, one enters a blissful state of “flow” that is effortless effort and a merging of action and awareness.

His weekly public classes vary greatly from intense and sweaty vinyasa flows to steady detailed explorations in a hatha style to careful and patient work in his ‘yoga for the back’ classes. His Tiger Playground, a weekly led practice, is well known for giving advanced practitioners in the region the opportunity to explore and mine the depths of practice together in a safe and playful environment. 

Kevin offers his deepest gratitude to all of his teachers, particularly Noah Mazé, Zhenja La Rosa, Jeanie Manchester, Jeff Fisher, Desirée Rumbaugh, Ross Rayburn, John Friend, and Todd Norian.


Kevin auf der Yoga World in Düsseldorf 2017:

“Where do modern yoga poses come from?”
When students come to yoga classes, they are often led to believe that the asanas (poses) that they are practicing are part of yoga’s ancient 2000 year old history. However, the truth is probably surprising to most since many of the poses are quite young with some having surprising origins outside of India. In this brief talk, Dr. Kevin Beavers will chronicle part of the remarkable story of the rise of postural yoga in the West, and the surprising history of modern postural yoga.


“Yoga Flow for Everybody”
Are you ready for adventure? If so then buckle your yoga belt and join Kevin for a sweaty 45-minute vinyasa flow experience. The class will start with energizing sun salutes, and proceed with an intoxicatingly powerful mix of strong standing poses, arm balances, backbends and forward bends. Bring a towel and be ready to work hard. The class will be taught in English.


Samstag, 14. Oktober // 10:30-11:15 Uhr // Where do modern yoga poses come from? // Yamuna Vortragsraum
Samstag, 14. Oktober // 15:45-16:30 Uhr // Yoga Flow for Everybody // Vishnu Yogaspace



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