Dr. Shijoe Mathew Anchery was born in Kuwait and raised in Kerala, South India. Dr. Mathew was influenced by the Ayurvedic heritage in his family early on and eventually decided to dedicate his life to practicing and sharing this ancient knowledge. Dr. Mathew has been an Ayurvedic physician for more than a decade, most notably at Ananda in the Himalayas in Rishikesh, India.
He has consulted and dispensed Ayurvedic remedies & wellness advice to patients suffering from chronic illnesses and in the process built deep & lasting relationships with a very diverse clientele both in India and UK. Currently, Dr. Mathew is working on developing a holistic ‘vedic lifestyle’ format for natural wellness and preventive healthcare — based on the principles of the Ashtanga Hrudaya and Ayurvedic traditions of Kerala. His practice in Haywards Heath and Brighton, UK mainly focuses on dosha diagnosis-based body balancing, Chronic health issues, Panchakarma and Ayurvedic lifestyle planning.
Vortrag: „Simple ayurvedic techniques to detoxify body and mind”
The content will be focused on:
- An introduction to the origin of Ayurveda and it’s development.
- Basic concepts of Doshas and personalized medicine.
- The need of detoxification. Detoxifying Herbs and oils.
- Types of ayurvedic Fasting for detoxification (Anasana, Pathya and Peyaadikrama).
- Mind and soul cleansing in everyday life.
Dr. Shijoe Mathew Anchery auf der YogaWorld 2020 in München:
Freitag, 17. Januar // 19:00 – 19:45 Uhr // Simple ayurvedic techniques to detoxify body and mind // Lakshmi Vortragsraum