Dr. Alexandra Kleiner & Heidi Hölzer

Workshop: The Next Step

The Next Step is a body, mind, heart and soul experience. Alex and Heidi combine movement with inspiring music to get your heart rate going and your toes tapping, creating a workout where all you need to bring is an open mind and an open heart. This is not like any other class. This class is meant to challenge you on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Throughout this meditation in motion you have the opportunity to come into your own power and re-connect with yourself.

We use yoga, movement, breath, music and meditation as our tools. We will create a safe place for you to open up, to heal, to listen to your innerself and to enjoy just being you. Our mission is to help you reconnect to yourself, get grounded and become more present. We will stir up things up, move things out, bring them in the room and shake them out.

The Next Step is about selfcare, healing the body, mind, heart and soul. We will come to understand that we have a choice. A choice to feel, move and become present in the body. Learning how to embrace the sensations that we create through movement.

When the mind is emptied of its usual content, we can see the essence. That is presence.
This is the Next Step… empower your life – join us!

Dr. Alexandra Kleiner & Heidi Hölzer auf der YogaWorld 2020 in München:

Samstag, 18. Januar // 14:45 – 15:30 Uhr // The Next Step // Vishnu Yogaspace


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